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Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience



Diamond, A. (Oct. 30, 2024). Translating neurobiological insights into how to aid children’s executive functions: Maria Montessori had much of this right. Invited talk, Annual Mind and Society Dialogue Lecture. Brain Awareness Week. Lake Forest College, IL.
video: https://lakeforestcollege.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=34e615fe-7909-4840-8f66-b21e01546728

Diamond, A. (July 17, 2024). What research tells us about executive functions and how that can be translated into practical strategies for teachers in everyday classrooms. Invited talk. Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning's virtual Science of Teaching and School Leadership Academy at St. Andrew's Episcopal School. Potomac, MD. Delivered online.
video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/July_17_2024_Deep_Dive_Sesson_with_Adele_Diamond.mp4

Diamond, A. (Jan. 9, 2023). Translating neurobiological insights concerning prefrontal cortex and executive functions into clinical implications. Invited talk. Arthur L. Benton Lecture. New York Neuropsychology Group. Continuing Education credits provided. Online due to COVID-19.
video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/benton_lecture_new_york_neuropsychology_group_

Diamond, A. (Nov. 8, 2022). What young children need is you! You are enough. Keynote Address. Parenting is Heart Work Conference, Child and Family Collaborative in York Region, ON. Online due to COVID-19.
video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/diamond-Parenting-is-Heart-Work-Conf-8-nov-2022-small.mp4

Diamond, A. (Sept. 21, 2022). Some of the reasons why social and emotional well-being is so critical for the best executive-function and school outcomes. Invited talk. Creating Connections in Child Development: Linking Education and Executive Functions for 21st Century Skills in the Global South Webinar Series. Univ. of Cambridge.
video: https://youtu.be/wBXI6U4GS8Y

Diamond, A. (Sept. 8, 2022). The Huttenlocher Award Lecture. Keynote Address by the recipient of The Huttenlocher Award, The Flux Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Grand Amphitheatre, Sorbonne University, Paris, France.
video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/Diamond_Huttenlocher_Award_Lecture_to_the_Flux_

Diamond, A. (Jan. 14, 2022). Translating neurobiological insights into clinical implications and guidance for parents. Plenary Address. American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders (APSARD) 2022 Annual Conference, Tucscon, AZ. Online due to COVID-19. Continuing Education credits provided
video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/Diamond_14_Jan_2022_APSARD_Conference.mp4

Diamond, A. (Dec. 14, 2021). Optimizing executive functions in children and adults with ADHD. Invited talk. ADDitude ADHD Expert Webinars, ADDitude Magazine. Continuing Education credits provided. Online due to COVID-19.
video: https://youtu.be/Q5M_JSHQiio

Diamond, A. (Nov. 20, 2021). Bridging divides – Making connections between ideas, people, and fields of endeavor. Invited 15-min talk. Annual International Conference (21 Minutes: Talks on the Future.) Patrizio Paoletti Foundation. Rome, Italy. Online due to COVID-19
video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/adele_diamond_21_minutes_2021_conference_20_nov_2021.mp4

Diamond, A. (Nov. 15, 2021). How and why dance, music, and storytelling might well support critical cognitive development in children and youth. Keynote Address. National Arts in Education Portal Conference, Galway, Ireland. Continuing Education credits provided. Online due to COVID-19.
video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/national_arts_in_education_Ireland_15_nov_2021_videos_added.mp4

Diamond, A. (Oct. 12, 2021). The essentials of executive functions. Invited talk. Common Ground Speaker Series, San Francisco Bay Area, CA. Online due to COVID-19.
video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/Common_Ground_Speaker_Series_Adele_Oct_2021.mp4

Diamond, A. (Oct. 25, 2019). Some implications of the unusual properties of the dopamine neurons that project to prefrontal cortex. The Bernice Grafstein Lecture in Neuroscience, McGill University, Montreal, QC.
video: https://youtu.be/SSolQCi4Yos

Diamond, A. (Nov. 8, 2018). Tea and conversation with Adele Diamond. Invited talk, Executive Function Center of New York, NY.
videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsUOV6oRYOH316Wd8eOdeNw

Diamond, A. (Jan. 22, 2016). Insights from neuroscience to help every child thrive: How dance might aid brain development and critical cognitive skills. Lecture – Performance, Co-presented with the children of the California Dance Institute, Semel Institute for Neuroscience & Human Behavior, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.
video: http://www.devcogneuro.com/videos/2016_22_Jan_Lecture_Performance_co-presented_by_the_children.wmv

last updated 20 Dec 2024




