Your donation will make it possible for us to conduct research and implement programs to help children – helping them to have less stress and more happiness in their lives, to have better problem-solving skills, self-control, creativity, attention, and memory, and to be healthier and do better in school and in life.
We are deeply grateful for your willingness to help.
To do that you can email us at:
or call us at: +1 (604) 827-3074
To donate by cheque (in Canadian dollars):
Make your check payable to The University of British Columbia.
Indicate that your donation (on the memo line of the cheque) is for the Adele Diamond’s Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, so that UBC knows where the funds are meant to be applied.
Department of Psychiatry, UBC
2255 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 2A1
To donate by credit card (in Canadian dollars):
Go to the online credit card form at Give UBC
Within the online credit card form, to the question 'Direct my Gift to,' choose 'Other' in the dropdown menu, and then within the text box enter, Adele Diamond’s Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, so that UBC knows where the funds are meant to be applied.

To donate using another method (in Canadian dollars):
Please go to the website of
Give UBC for information and to speak directly to a donations expert by phone to consult on the donating of securities, RRSPs, RRIFs and TFSAs.
If you are from the US, UK, or Hong Kong, the University of British Columbia (UBC) has established 3 international charitable foundations that help non-residents of Canada to support UBC while maximizing their tax benefits. Gifts made to these foundations flow directly to UBC and are used as you direct.
The American Foundation for The University of British Columbia is a registered charity under US law (charitable registration #52-1559117).
To donate by check (from a US bank only):
Make your check payable to The American Foundation for The University of British Columbia.
Indicate that your donation (on the memo line of the check) is for the Adele Diamond's Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, so that UBC knows where the funds are meant to be applied.
The American Foundation for UBC
1030 15th St. NW,
B1 - Ste.155,
Washington DC 20005
To donate electronically via a wire transfer:
UBC can receive donations for our work at the HSBC Bank Canada. For the details needed to complete a wire transfer to support our work, please call or email:
Adrienne Ho, Development Manager, Faculty of Medicine, UBC
phone: 604-822-5664
To donate using a US credit card:
Please note the American Foundation for The University of British Columbia is unable to receive donations by credit card.
Regardless of what way you donate, a donation receipt will be issued to by the Foundation for the full amount of your gift in US dollars.
UK Foundation of the University of British Columbia is a registered charity with the Charity Commission (Charity Number: 1103437 / Company Number: 5042921).
To donate by cheque (from a UK bank only):
Make your cheque payable to The UK Foundation of The University of British Columbia
Indicate that your donation (on the memo line of the cheque) is for the Adele Diamond's Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, so that UBC knows where the funds are meant to be applied.
The UK Foundation of the University of British Columbia
67 Manor Avenue,
Hounslow, Middlesex TW4 7JN
United Kingdom
To donate electronically via a wire transfer:
UBC can receive donations for our work at the HSBC Bank Canada. For the details needed to complete a wire transfer to support our work, please call or email:
Adrienne Ho, Development Manager, Faculty of Medicine, UBC
phone: 604-822-5664
To donate using a UK (pound sterling) credit card:
Please note the UK Foundation of the University of British Columbia is unable to receive donations by credit card.
Regardless of what way you donate,
a. UK supporters are encouraged to complete a Gift Aid Form to ensure the maximum tax treatment of you. Go to to the website of the UK Foundation of the University of British Columbia to download the most current form.
b. A donation receipt will be issued to by the Foundation for the full amount of your gift in pounds sterling.
The Hong Kong Foundation for UBC Limited is a registered charity under the Inland Revenue Ordinance of Hong Kong (Charity Number: Company #444488 ).
To donate by cheque (in CAD or HKD):
Make your cheque payable to The Hong Kong Foundation for UBC Limited
Indicate that your donation (on the memo line of the cheque) is for the Adele's Diamond Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Lab, so that UBC knows where the funds are meant to be applied.
The Hong Kong Foundation for UBC Limited
Suite 1202, Lee Gardens Six
111 Leighton Road
Causeway Bay
Hong Kong
To donate electronically via a wire transfer:
UBC can receive donations for our work at the HSBC Bank Canada. For the details needed to complete a wire transfer to support our work, please call or email:
Adrienne Ho, Development Manager, Faculty of Medicine, UBC
phone: 604-822-5664
To donate using a Hong Kong credit card:
Please note The Hong Kong Foundation for UBC Limited is unable to receive donations by credit card.
All donations to the Foundation are eligible for tax benefits similar to those received when giving to an educational or charitable organization in Hong Kong.
If you work for a company that matches employee donations,
please remember to complete and mail your company's matching gift form to
Dept. of Psychiatry, UBC
2255 Wesbrook Mall,
Vancouver, BC V6T 2A1
Thank you ever so much.
Last updated 08 Aug 2022