Study: Effects of Methylphenidate on EFs
Study: Balance Study
Study: Music Study
Directions to the Lab
Effects of Methylphenidate on Executive Functions

We are interested in looking at what happens to cognitive functions when university students without ADHD take a low-dose of the stimulant, Methylphenidate (MPH; usually known commercially as Ritalin or Concerta). For one visit to the lab, we will give you a very low dose of MPH. For another visit to the lab, we’ll give Vitamin C as a placebo. This is a double-blind study so neither you nor anyone in the lab will know when you receive Vitamin C and when you receive MPH.
We are looking for participants between the ages of 20 and 35, who do not have any medical conditions that would prevent them from taking MPH or participating in the study.
If you or anyone you know MIGHT be interested in participating, or would like more information: Please fill out the online registration form or contact us at:
Phone: (604) 822- 7404
Email: devcogneuro AT (replace the AT with @ to email)
Online: Online Registration
Contacting us in no way obligates you to participate in the study. Participation in this study is completely voluntary and individuals may choose to withdraw from the study at any time.
Download the pdf of the poster here.
This project is funded by NERSC and directed by Prof. Adele Diamond, Dept. of Psychiatry, UBC.
Balance Study

We are recruiting 8-12 year-olds in the greater Vancouver Area, who could use some improvement of their executive functions (things like selective attention, working memory, and creative problem solving) and balance, for a study that tests whether training balance or listening to music you really enjoy can improve executive functions.
The training is FREE
The training is ONLY 15-min a day, a few days a week, at the child’s home
Those in the Balance-Training Group will get a balance beam, wobble board, hopscotch etc. to keep for free
Those in the Watching-Music-Videos Group will get several music videos of their choice to keep for free
Feedback on each child’s EFs and balance will be provided before & after to the child’s parent
If you or anyone you know MIGHT be interested in participating, or would like more information: Please fill out the online registration form or contact us at:
Phone: (604) 649- 0702
Email: pspaz AT (replace the AT with @ to email)
Online: Online Registration
Contacting us in no way obligates you to participate in the study. Participation in this study is completely voluntary and individuals may choose to withdraw from the study at any time.
Download the pdf of the poster here.
This project is funded by NERSC and directed by Prof. Adele Diamond, Dept. of Psychiatry, UBC.
Music Study

We are looking for adults 45 years and older who are experiencing some forgetfulness and feeling a bit down.
We want to see if listening to songs (alone or with a friend or relative) or listening to poems/stories/plays/or scriptures might improve your memory, attention, mental agility, mood, and/or your quality of life.
All music or writings will be ones you choose and enjoy! Participation is FREE. No traveling required – we can come to you! All participants will receive a FREE audio player to keep after the study.
If you participate, you’ll be randomly assigned to 1 of 5 groups for 10 weeks:
1. Listening to Music you choose on an audio player at your leisure for 1½ hours each week.
2. Listening to Poetry/Stories you choose on an audio device at your leisure for 1½ hours each week.
3. 90 minutes of music listening sessions each week with a friend or relative.
4. 90 minutes each week with a friend or relative without listening to music.
5. Business-as-usual: You go about your usual daily activities.
If you or anyone you know might be interested in participating: Please fill out the online registration form or contact us at:
Phone: 604-822-7404
Email: jrchan01@ AT (replace the AT with @ to email)
Online: Online Registration
Contacting us in no way commits you to participate. And, if you decide to participate, you are completely free to stop participating at any time
Download the pdf of the poster here.
We look forward to hearing from you!
We are located on Wesbrook Mall -- next to the UBC Hospital in the basement
of Detwiller Pavilion (2255 Wesbrook Mall).
The easiest way to our lab is through the side entrance to Detwiller (pictured here to the right). The side entrance is on the right-hand side of the building (the one facing the hospital), it has asphalt and wood-rimmed steps leading directly down to us, and is marked with a sign reading "Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Lab" on the building. We are located through these doors and down the stairs. You'll recognize us by the bright colors in the hallway and there are signs to guide you to the lab!
There is parking right next to our side entrance. Map: pdf version
This page last updated: 29 Feb 2024