The Erikson Institute in Chicago
has announced it will be
conferring an
Honorary Doctorate
on Adele Diamond
on May 5
for her “groundbreaking contributions to developmental cognitive neuroscience and her unwavering dedication to advancing our understanding of how children learn and grow.”
Adele Diamond spoke at CONGRESO FUTURO
- An annual science, arts, and knowledge conference on pressing social, cultural, technological, and political issues, which (since 2011) brings together experts and opinion leaders from around the world.
- organized by the Senate of Chile through the Commission on the Challenges of the Future, the Chamber of Deputies, the Encuentros del Futuro, the Chilean Academy of Sciences, and all Chilean universities.
- She was also interviewed by wonderful journalists including Paloma Ávila for CNN, Paula Molina for Cooperativa Chile, and Pascale Fuentes for Televisión Nacional de Chile (TVN).
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View the Let’s Talk Science
virtual symposium
in which Dr. Adele Diamond spoke
broke all records for attendance.
https://letstalkscience.ca/educational-resources/backgrounders/ lets-talk-learning-building-effective-skills-resources
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Ph.D. student, Jessie Chan, was awarded a
Carl Leggo Graduate Scholarship in Arts-Based Inquiry plus two affiliated fellowships:
• Northern Telecom Graduate Fellowship
• Patrick David Campbell Graduate Fellowship |
Ph.D. student, Jessie Chan, was awarded a
BPOC Graduate Excellence Award from UBC This award recognizes excellence in research and scholarly performance by BPOC (Black and People of Colour) graduate students. |
Ph.D. student, Fatimah Bahrami, was awarded funding through the
UBC Public Scholars Initiative, which reimagines the PhD experience for students interested in linking their research to social issues or public benefit. G+PS has published a story highlighting Fatimah's role as a UBC public scholar. |
A few photos from the honorary degree ceremony at Cambridge University last month at which Adele Diamond was honored
The University of Cambridge has announced that it will be conferring an Honorary Doctor of Science Degree on Adele Diamond on June 19
Pictured on the right is the procession through town for the Opening of the Academic Year Address at Maastricht University, which Dr. Diamond gave in 2007. A similar procession is expected through the town of Cambridge in June.
Interview of Adele Diamond Navigating Neuropsychology podcast
"Executive Functions in the Developing Brain"
by Ryan van Patten (1 March 2024)
The conversation covers a wide range of topics, including models of EFs, the differential development of EF components during childhood, the ability of early EFs to predict later life outcomes, assessment of EFs, and interventions to improve EFs in children.
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Research by Adele Diamond was cited in the Washington Post newspaper article
"What is ‘normal’ body temperature? Some experts say it’s not really 98.6." by Marlene Cimons (19 Dec 2023)
She is quoted in the article as saying, “Since the 1990s, experts have been saying they should lower [what is considered normal for body temperature]. What I am saying is, they should personalize it [because there is too much inter-individual variability]….[I] suggest physicians establish a normal baseline temperature for individual patients, much as they do for blood pressure and other vital signs….There is a need to individualize it.”
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Ph.D. student, Fatimah Bahrami, is coauthor on a paper that has just been published:
Martial arts, combat sports, and mental health in adults: A systematic review.
Ciaccioni S., Castro O., Bahrami F., Tomporowski P.D., Capranica L., Biddle S.J.H., Vergeer I., Pesce C.
in the journal, Psychology of Sport and Exercise
Susan Stephenson did a wonderful job of describing the Joyous Celebration in her blog-- its joy, insights, and sense of community. |

The interdisciplinary, cross-cultural conference Adele Diamond organized, A Joyous Celebration of Ideas, the Arts, Science, and Efforts to Make the World a Better Place, that took place July 17-20 with over 400 attendees from 45 countries was a life-changing, transformative, paradigm-shifting experience for many in attendance. The conference website is http://www.devcogneuro.com/Conf2023
UBC Grad Studies has published a story on our Ph.D. student Lisa Ritland,
To read the article, click here
Ph.D. student, Lisa Ritland, was just awarded funding through the
UBC Public Scholars Initiative, which reimagines the PhD experience for students interested in linking their research to social issues or public benefit |
Recipient of the Huttenlocher Award, the Flux Society’s most prestigious award.
Flux is the Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience and this award honors a senior scientist who's made major foundational contributions to the field |
One of our papers,
Effects of Capoeira on children’s executive functions: A randomized controlled trial.
Valter R. Fernandes, Michelle L. Scipião-Ribeiro, Narahyana B. Araújo, Natália Bezerra Mota, Sidarta Ribeiro, Adele Diamond & Andréa C. Deslandes
has just been published in Mental Health & Physical Activity
The article can be seen here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mhpa.2022.100451
High school senior, Edith Bachmann, placed third in the Behavioral Sciences category of the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair in Atlanta, GA, for the research on storytelling she did with us.
Ph.D. student Lisa Ritland was just awarded a
Friedman Award for Scholars in Health a UBC fellowship for research outside of Canada. Lisa will spend 6 months in Melbourne, Australia. |
Ph.D. student Rabia Mir was just awarded a
Doctoral Research Award: Canada Graduate Scholarship by the Canadian Institute of Health Research |
High school senior, Edith Bachmann, won the Westchester Science and Engineering Fair for the research on storytelling she did with us. She is now advancing to the International Science and Engineering Fair, based on her first place finish in the behavioral category in the Westchester Fair.
Two posters first-authored by graduate student, Daphne Ling:
"Science communication: Using pop culture to teach children about the brain and behaviour"
"Dopamine: A tale of two cities"
have been accepted for the International Behavioural Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland, June 7-11 |
High school senior, Edith Bachmann, has been ranked in the top 300 out of 1,805 students in the Regeneron Science Talent Search (the oldest and most prestigious science and mathematics competition for high school seniors in the US) for the research project she did under Prof. Diamond’s |
supervision (“The Effects of Storytelling versus Story-Reading on the Executive Functions of Fourth Graders”)." |
In recognition of Adele Diamond's longstanding efforts to help Maasai children in Kenya receive a quality education, a prominent Maasai educator, Loise Nashepai, has founded the "Adele Diamond Foundation" to help other needy children in Kenya attend school.
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Ph.D. student
Fatimah Bahrami
just received UBC’s
Faculty of Medicine Graduate Award
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Centre for Brain Health’s announcement
about the results of our new paper:
The latest research from the Diamond lab suggests 37.0°C
body temperature should not be considered normal for everyone.
Her team suggests body temperature should be personalized.
We just had a paper published

The avg. body temp. in our study was 97°F (36.1°C). Using 98.6°F as the assumed normal temp. will result in errors when using temp. to screen for COVID. Fevers can be missed in those with low normal body temp. Infected people can thus pass screening.
The article can be seen here: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0245257 |
Paper just published in Frontiers in Psychology:
Children only 3 years old can succeed at Conditional “If, Then” Reasoning, much earlier than anyone had thought possible.
Daphne S. Ling, Cole D. Wong, & Adele Diamond
That conditional, if-then reasoning does not emerge until 4-5 years has long been accepted. Here we show that children barely 3 years old can doconditional reasoning. All that was |
needed was a superficial change to the stimuli: When color was a property of the shapes (line drawings of a star and truck) rather than of the background (as in all past conditional discrimination testing), 3-year-olds could succeed.
The findings suggest that scaffolding preschoolers’ emerging conceptual skills by changing the way stimuli look (perceptual bootstrapping) enables 3-year-olds to demonstrate reasoning abilities long thought beyond their grasp. The ways we have traditionally queried children may have obscured the budding reasoning competencies present at 3 years of age. |
Among the top 10 most downloaded papers in 2020 from Annual Reviews across all fields is our article on Executive Functions Annual Rev of Psychology in 2013
Available for free download for a limited time at: https://arevie.ws/3aYt32Y
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Paper just published in Cerebral Cortex: First demonstration of double dissociation between COMT-Met158 and COMT-Val158cognitive performance when stressed and when calmer. https://doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhaa276
The results suggest that, while it is possible for stress to have a positive effect on executive functions, only extremely mild stress seems to do that and even then it does it only for some. Perhaps employers, supervisors, and teachers should rethink whether intentionally imposing some stress will actually improve performance.
The authors are: Shahab Zareyan3, Haolu Zhang4, Juelu Wang,
Weihong Song, Elizabeth Hampson, David Abbott1, & Adele Diamond2.
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